Garden & Pond Top Tips

Provide underwater structures. These are important because they provide a refuge for smaller fish. Place pallets, formed into tepee shapes, on the bottom of ponds. Christmas trees are another good structure. You should burn off the needles first, as they can plug pumps and put a large amount of organic material into the pond. You don't want to build more than three or four structures per acre.

Having dealt with every conceivable pond dilemma, at imas we can respond competently and knowledgeably. Ensuring that your pond is back to working correctly in no time and with the minimum of fuss.

We will do what we can when you want us to. That means we will compliment your ongoing pond maintenance program or do as we do for other clients and that is undertake your entire pond servicing for you.

Below are details of the two main services we provide for our existing clients. Recognising that all ponds are different we will tailor make either program to suit the specific needs of your situation. If you would like for us to visit your pond and consider any maintenance needs please contact us.

This is a critical part of your ponds preparation for the busy summer months. Usually this service will occur in March or April.

Spring Pond Maintenance (pre season)

This service consists of the following:




Water quality test and supply results

Test Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and ph levels

This is how we can quickly recognise your ponds health.

Removal of excess sediment

Either physically collect or hoover excess sediment from pond base.

It is not good for the pond to be over occupied with silt or other waste products. This provides an excellent breeding ground for unwanted bacteria.

Water change

We would generally remove 25% of pond water whilst undertaking sediment removal.

This helps to reduce nitrate levels and keep the pond in tip top condition.

Marginal plant reduction (if this didn’t occur within the pre winter servicing)

Cut back marginal plants whilst considering pond size and expected seasonal growth.

Marginal planting will grow profusely during the warmer months. These can easily encroach onto the main pond body if not regularly reduced.

Apply plant food to lilies

Install pond fertiliser tablets to lily pots

This will encourage good plant growth and free flowering.

Service pump(s)

Clear pre filter area, de-scale and clear impellor and ensure running freely. Check outlet and flow.

To ensure pump is running at its optimum and in a reliable fashion.

Service Ultra Violet Filter

Replace ultra violet bulb and de-scale quartz sleeve, check seals and replace if necessary.

To ensure ultra violet filter is working efficiently when it needs to (in the summer)

Service filter box

Clean and replace any media, check and clear spray bars and plumbing.

To prepare the filter so it can establish itself inline with the increasing amounts of waste provided by the fish.

Preventative treatment / de-chlorination

Administer suitable chemical treatments to your pond.

To control parasites and bacteria on fish and to ensure that any fresh water is safe for the pond inhabitants.

Check plumbing.

Check exposed plumbing whilst system is operational. Check condition of any hosing and advice of condition.

To recognise any leakage or potential problems.

Provide an Overview of Ponds Condition

Liaise with pond owner to enable a current understanding of pond. Make observations and advice of any potential problems

To keep you in touch with your pond and leave you being confident with your pond situation.

The cost of this service starts at £85 (+vat) plus parts. If you would like an accurate cost please call or make yourself known to us.

If you would like to carry this work out yourself there are more details available for you on our spring pond maintenance page.

Autumn Pond Maintenance (pre winter)

This is a critical part of your ponds preparation for the colder winter months. Usually this service will occur in October or November.




Water quality test and supply results

Test Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and ph levels

This is how we can quickly recognise your ponds health.

Removal of excess sediment

Either physically collect or hoover excess sediment from pond base.

It is not good for the pond to be over occupied with silt or other waste products. This provides an excellent breeding ground for unwanted bacteria.

Water change

We would generally remove 25% of pond water whilst undertaking sediment removal.

This helps to reduce nitrate levels and keep the pond in tip top condition.

Cut back pond plants and reduce if necessary.

Cut back marginal plants to approximately 2” above the crown of the plant. Remove all foliage from lily plants and deep water marginals. Reduce oxygenating plant and remove annuals.

It is important to remove foliage; most pond plants are perennial and will die back (at some point). We are preventing any unnecessary pollution entering the pond and establishing good and fresh growth for the following season

Service pump(s)

Clear pre filter area, de-scale and clear impellor and ensure running freely. Check outlet and flow.

To ensure pump is running at it’s optimum in a reliable fashion.

Service filter box

Clean, check and clear spray bars and plumbing.

To ensure the filter box is functioning properly.

Preventative treatment / de-chlorination

Administer suitable chemical treatments to your pond.

To control parasites and bacteria on fish and to ensure that any fresh water is safe for the pond inhabitants.

Check plumbing.

Check exposed plumbing whilst system is operational. Check condition of any hosing and advice of condition.

To recognise any leakage or potential problems.

Install Cover Net

Install cover net to pond

Stop any leaves getting into the pond and creating unnecessary pollution or maintenance.

Provide an Overview of Ponds Condition

Liaise with pond owner to enable a current understanding of pond. Make observations and advice of any potential problems

To keep you in touch with your pond and leave you being confident with your pond situation.

The cost of this service starts at £75 (+vat) plus parts. If you would like an accurate cost please call or make yourself known to us.