Garden & Pond Top Tips

Control Weeds This is the one pond problem everyone has to face. There are five kinds of aquatic plants-algae, floating, emergent (foliage above the water), submersed (most of the plant is under water) and floating leaved. Some plants are desirable. Plankton algae is a source of food and oxygen. Filamentous algae is that green slime draped over your hook. (It's not good.) There's a tipping point when weeds begin to take over a pond, says Ian Menzies, business manager for Imas Aquatic & Garden Services. The pond has to be constructed carefully, or in a short time "you get a wetland," notes Menzies. IMAS sells a line of aquatic products to manage nuisance and exotic weeds and algae.

At imas we firmly believe that a successful pond is established through great planning, the right equipment installed properly and an understanding of on going maintenance procedures and the ability to carry them out.

To Clean out or not clean out

We believe that with the right equipment, coupled to any necessary servicing, there shouldn’t be reason for your pond to be cleaned in its entirety. This aggressive manner of servicing is counter productive, as with many things little and often is best and most rewarding.

Although we would usually employ the services of a filtration system, this will only provide when maintained correctly a high level of water quality and clarity.  To enable good plant growth and inhibit the likes of blanket weed it is generally good practice to allow your pond to develop and establish.

Many different animals will visit your pond and many more will set up camp.  As your pond develops, the plants grow and everything naturalises, an ever evolving habitat will reveal itself and offer true value for your efforts.

This is not to suggest that a pond will never need to be cleaned out completely.  Here are some scenarios where a complete overhaul is necessary.

1.) Where a pond has been left without any maintenance.  It may be deemed necessary as the only sensible procedure to re-establish control and a good working knowledge.  This is often the case when a pond is inherited.  See refurbishment.

2.) If a disease has become prevalent amongst inhabitants and is continually aggravated through a poor pond conditions.

3.) The pond lining has been compromised and needs repair or replacement.