Garden & Pond Top Tips

Control Weeds This is the one pond problem everyone has to face. There are five kinds of aquatic plants-algae, floating, emergent (foliage above the water), submersed (most of the plant is under water) and floating leaved. Some plants are desirable. Plankton algae is a source of food and oxygen. Filamentous algae is that green slime draped over your hook. (It's not good.) There's a tipping point when weeds begin to take over a pond, says Ian Menzies, business manager for Imas Aquatic & Garden Services. The pond has to be constructed carefully, or in a short time "you get a wetland," notes Menzies. IMAS sells a line of aquatic products to manage nuisance and exotic weeds and algae.

April – September.

6000 gallon Koi pond, a stainless steel pergola water feature and a complete garden construction!

Koi Pond and Stainless Steel PergolaWe were again fortunate enough to secure the complete garden refurbishment works to this handsomely set detached house in the wealthy climbs of Totteridge, North London.

An exciting project to do, there were sixteen different major tasks to undertake, some ran concurrently and others in order. We needed to be organized and proactive, as to ensure the process went smoothly causing the least amount of disruption to the homeowners.

Spanning from the complete undoing of a very established garden, to the introduction and leveling of a hundred and twenty tonnes of top soil, to the preparation and installation of 150 sq metres of paving, 90 metres fencing and 100 sq metres of new lawn.

This project really pulled from all areas of our skill base.

IMAS Complete Garden ConstructionAnd most excitingly the manufacture and installation of a glorious stainless steel pergola (that allows water to return to the pond via the chains!) and a six thousand gallon koi pond.