Garden & Pond Top Tips

Delay cutting back perennials until the spring. The seed heads that remain provide valuable food for birds and other animals through the winter, while the stems and foliage provide valuable shelter for hibernating insects.

May – September.

Re-instatement of Preston village pond

IMAS Preston Village PondAfter its infill some fifty years ago, Preston Parish Council set about the vilage pond’s re-instatement. For many years the village pond provided water for animals and a soaking point for the passing wooden cart wheels. After many meetings, much planning and a great deal of fund raising, all systems were eventually go.

IMAS Preston Village PondWe were delighted to win the tender and were appointed as the main contractor to undertake the job. The pond will I am sure start to prove a delightful spot for walkers and visitors alike. The pond is positioned directly opposite the Red Lion pub in Preston (just south of Hitchin)